The term NWO is now commonly used by nutcase conspiracy theorists who believe worldwide governments are controlled by hidden behind the scenes powers (Illuminati etc).
JW firmly believe almost the same, but in their mind the behind the scenes power is Satan, not the Illuminati.
Of course JW want to distance themselves from such insane nutcrackery as believing in Illuminati. (Lol)
So they no longer use the term NWO, lest anyone be confused about the specifics of the conspiracy and think JW are nutcrackers too.
They do a similar thing when it comes to creationism. They know denying scientific facts is silly, therefore they try hard to distance themselves from 'creationism', conveniently omitting that they are very much creationists themselves too. In reality the difference between Young Earth Creationism and Young Humans Creationism is moot, but JW blow it up as big as possible.
JW just know people think they're crazy, and try to limit being identified with other crazies.